Providing professional mobile ink fingerprinting. We Travel to You. EZ & Convenient. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Ink fingerprinting is a traditional method of capturing an individual's fingerprints using ink and paper. The primary purpose of ink fingerprinting is to obtain a clear and accurate record of a person's unique fingerprint patterns. These fingerprints serve as an essential tool for identification, background checks, and security purposes. Ink fingerprints are commonly required for various employment positions, licensing, criminal background checks, immigration processes, and more.
We utilize the FD-258 cards. We also keep cards on hand. Don't worry if you do not have the card.
LiveScan fingerprinting is an advanced, digital method of capturing and transmitting fingerprints for identification and background check purposes. It is an electronic alternative to traditional ink fingerprinting. Instead of using ink and paper, LiveScan scanners digitally capture the fingerprints and transmit them to a central database or relevant authorities for processing.
We currently do NOT offer LiveScan fingerprinting at this time.
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